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Digital Subscription Terms and Conditions - N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD
1. About Digital Subscriptions

1.1. A digital subscription provides you with unlimited access to an N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD websites ("The Dark Side of Business» dsbu.club or dsbu.ru).

1.2. In order to create or activate your digital subscription, you will be required to create and/or link your subscription to an email address. The login details associated with your digital membership and/or digital subscription including username and password must not be shared with any other person.

1.3. If any misuse of your login details is detected or suspected by N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD (including the concurrent use of your login details and/or the use of your login details on more than the maximum allowable concurrent sessions), your subscription may be terminated and you will not be eligible for a refund.

1.4. For more information, FAQ or to contact us use email - info@dsbu.club or info@dsbu.ru

2. Processing and Payment

2.1. N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD will process your digital subscription purchase as promptly as possible. Your payment details must be verified before your subscription can be activated.

2.2. If your initial payment authorisation is revoked, your subscription will be terminated. We reserve the right to reject any subscription order at any time.

2.3. Digital subscriptions renew automatically unless you cancel according to our cancellation policy (see clause 11 below). Payment for digital subscriptions will be direct debited from your provided credit or debit account.

2.4. It is your responsibility to provide valid payment details, and ensure that your payment details are up to date.

2.5. If your credit card expires or your payment method is otherwise invalid, your subscription may automatically be cancelled and unlimited access revoked.

2.6. Unless specified otherwise in the Cancellation policy, all charges are non-refundable.

2.7. If for some unforeseen reason your complete access to our services is unavailable for a continuous period of more than 24 hours you may be eligible for a credit of a pro-rated amount for the period of the service outage. For avoidance of doubt if you are unable to access our services due to problems not related to N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD then you are not eligible for a refund or credit of any nature.

3. Pricing

3.1. When you purchase a digital subscription, you agree to pay the price stated at the time of your order. You also agree to the billing frequency specified at the time of your order.

3.2. Any discount eligibility is determined at the time of order. Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively. All prices are in Euro (EUR).

3.3. N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD reserves the right to change the prices and fees at any time.

3.4. Price changes will take effect from your next billing date after change the prices. If You do not wish to continue your Digital Subscription at the revised price, you may cancel your subscription before the end of your current direct debit pay cycle. See clause 11.

4. Third party fees and charges

4.1. By purchasing a digital subscription you use the services of a third party (acquirer). N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD is not responsible to you for any claims related to the work of the acquirer. Please contact a third party directly to resolve these claims.

4.2. When you use your digital subscription, you may incur other additional changes, such as telecommunications fees, data fees or service provider fees. You are responsible for paying any additional charges.

5. Promotions

5.1. N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD may at times offer special promotions and offers. The specific terms and conditions of each offer will be stated at the time of the promotion and will apply in addition to these Digital Subscription Terms and Conditions. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of a special offer and these Digital Subscription Terms and Conditions, these Digital Subscription Terms and Conditions will apply.

5.2. You may be required to provide your payment details when you sign up for a promotion. If this is a direct debit offer, your subscription will be automatically renewed after your initial payment at the standard subscription rate unless you cancel.

5.3. From time to time N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD offers promotional items with its digital & bundle subscriptions. From time to time and at its discretion, N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD will communicate with its subscribers about the availability of such items and how to redeem them.

5.4. From time to time N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD offers promotional pricing that will apply for the the term agreed when accepting that promotional offer. Pricing will automatically resume at your standard subscription rate unless you cancel.

6. Cancellations and refunds

6.1. To unsubscribe, write to us by info@dsbu.club Please note that regular payments are provided by the internet acquirings. And to cancel the subscription, you may need to cancel the regular payment on the website or in your personal account of internet acquiring (for example, in PayPel account).

6.2. When you cancel, you cancel only future charges associated with your subscription. You may notify us of your intent to cancel at any time, but the cancellation will become effective at the end of your current billing period. You will continue to have the same access and benefits until the end of your current billing period.

6.3. Digital subscriptions are non-refundable except in cases of demonstrated hardship or in accordance with the European Union Consumer Law or a consumer guarantee under it.

7. N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD right to change digital products

7.1. N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD reserves the right to modify the content, inclusions, type and availability of any digital product at any time. Your package change will automatically take place from your next billing cycle.

7.2. We reserve the right under special circumstances to enable free access to our subscriber content for a limited period of time. During this time subscribers will not be eligible for a refund.

7.3. If any or all of our digital products are temporarily unavailable, you will not automatically be entitled to receive a refund. We reserve the right to issues refunds or credits at our sole discretion. If we issue a refund or credit, we are under no obligation to issue the same or similar refund in the future.

8. Trial terms

8.1. If we grant you access to a free trial subscription and you do not cancel or opt out of the trial prior to the expiry of the term, you will automatically be converted to a paid subscription upon expiry of the term. You may cancel or opt out of the trial by emailing - info@dsbu.club

8.2. For discounted promotional trial offers, any charges for the duration of the trial period will be paid immediately upon purchase and are non-refundable.

9. Your Privacy

9.1. You agree that your name, address, email address, year of birth, postcode, gender and mobile/telephone number will be collected and stored by N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD and used for the purpose of managing Your subscription, communicating with You about Your subscription and to notify You of any associated customer offers or benefits or future subscriptions, unless otherwise notified by you.

9.2. Information on how we handle your personal information is explained in our Privacy Policy. You can obtain further information on the N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD Privacy Policy by visiting Privacy.

10. Disclaimers

10.1. You agree that any errors made in entering your contact information and order details are your responsibility and N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD is not liable for any consequences that may arise as a result of such errors or incorrect information, including but not limited to sending the subscription to the address as notified by you.

10.2. To the extent permitted by law, N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD is not liable to you for any loss or damage incurred by you in connection with your subscription, whether direct, consequential, special, indirect or other loss or damage. In any event, N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD's maximum liability to you is limited to the value of the subscription fees paid within the previous twelve months.

11. Your Obligations

11.1. It is your responsibility to ensure that there are sufficient clear funds available in your account to allow a debit payment to be made in accordance with a direct debit request.

11.2. For those with a home delivery component to their subscription, it is your responsibility to notify N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD if your subscription is not available.

11.3. It is your responsibility to report to N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD if subscription continue to be provided and/or payments continue to be deducted, if you believe a cancellation should have been processed.

11.4. It is your responsibility to check your account statements to verify that the amounts debited from your account are correct and notify N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD if you believe you are being billed incorrectly.

11.5. N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD will not refund past subscription payments if a subscriber has failed to contact N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD directly to cancel, or to report unexpected payments or non-delivery.

12. General

12.1. You agree that all subscriptions provided, benefits accepted or offers made by N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD shall be deemed to be provided in Cyprus, notwithstanding your location, and the terms of such subscriptions, benefits and offers shall be governed exclusively by Cyprus law, and the Courts of Cyprus shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any such matters that may arise involving or alleged to involve N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD.

12.2. To the extent applicable, the N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD General Conditions of Use also apply to use of N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD Publications in the N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD Network by subscribers. Please visit Conditions

12.3. You acknowledge that these Digital Subscription Terms and Conditions may be modified by N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD from time to time, including but not limited to terms relating to fees and charges, cancellation and modifying your subscription.

13. Definitions

13.1. In these terms and conditions: "website dsbu.club", "website dsbu.ru", "The Dark Side of Business", "we" or "us" means N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD. "Subscriber", "Customer" or «You" means a person who is a subscriber to an N.M. GOLDSTYX LTD website.

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